Survival Guide

ROOTCON is not just any tech conference - it’s one of the most sought-after and coolest hacking cons in the Philippines! Whether you’re a seasoned hacker, a curious newbie, or somewhere in between, ROOTCON gives a wild ride with all the events scheduled throughout the conference days, and navigating them can be tricky and overwhelming. We’re here to give you the ultimate survival guide to ensure you have the ultimate ROOTCON experience.

Who is this for?

This guide is for everyone attending ROOTCON, whether it’s your first time or your 18th (if this is you, damn perfect attendance!). Moreover, read further if you’re one of the following:

- ROOTCON Virgin: It’s your first time, and you don’t want to look like a total noob.
- Lone Wolf: You don’t know anyone who’s been to ROOTCON before and you’re flying solo.
- The Chair Enthusiast: You plan to sit in one spot all day and let the con pass you by.
- The Indecisive: You can’t decide or don’t know what to do first (or at all).

Now that we have you hooked, let’s start with this awesome guide.

Badge is Life

Like any other conference, ROOTCON provides a super awesome electronic badge, sometimes packaged with stickers, when you register and purchase a ticket. It serves as your pass all throughout the conference, whether you attend different talks or claim food in lunch buffets. In addition, some sponsors use the badge for free merch. You’ve read it right- FREE MERCH. Given this, you must always keep your badge connected to your body.

We don’t need to overly emphasize the importance of the badge and don’t wait to get caught by security GOONS since they’ll kick you out if you don’t wear one.

Lastly, who doesn’t want to wear a ROOTCON badge? It’s like everyone who had one treated it like a collector’s item!

Plan Your Day Ahead

ROOTCON is a 2-day (3 if you plan to attend Day 0) conference and multiple concurrent events are happening in different halls or rooms. Given this, you might want to plan ahead to maximize your con days and choose the events of your liking. Note that all the events are posted on the ROOTCON website, including the specifics of each scheduled talk.

If you still can't choose or plan on your own, read through this as we discuss some of the conference's notable areas.

Are you interested in listening to presentations by established speakers? Go to the main hall and pick a seat. Position yourself early to have a good spot.

Wanna grab some swags and learn about different products or companies? Go to the sponsors’ area. These sponsors have booths of their own, and sometimes they host games that give away awesome prizes.

Do you prefer more interactive learning? Go to the village area. These villages host different talks and activities focused on specializations, such as lock picking and hardware hacking.

Remember that all these things are happening simultaneously, so you really need to plan your day ahead.

Pick your Poison

We have already mentioned a couple of things you should look forward to at ROOTCON, but there are other things to do aside from attending different talks and presentations. These events are not your typical sit-down-for-8-hours-while-listening activities!

First, you can join the Capture the Flag event, which is a mind-boggling game for hackers, running from Day 1 until the end of Day 2. People who typically join this event are the ones who want to scratch and pull their hair all throughout the event. But don’t be scared, since this event gives the prestigious Black Badge as its prize for the winners, which makes their time worthwhile.

Another game that you can participate in is the Mystery Challenge. If you enjoy puzzles, then this one's for you.

Suppose you were not able to register for these two events. In that case, you can still go to their areas and watch these awesome participants hack their way or see them suffer in solving the challenges.

If you are not a masochist, you can also build your infosec network by chatting with different attendees. ROOTCON gathers many cybersecurity practitioners in the country, so might as well maximize your time by meeting and getting to know different people in the industry.

Lastly, you can enjoy networking while having a booze in the Chill-Out area! We believe that some of the best connections happen when you're relaxed and having fun. So grab a drink, loosen up, and let the conversations roll. Who knows? That casual chat over a drink might just lead to your next epic hack or the perfect partner in cybercrime (the legal kind, of course)!

Deck Out

It is a usual question on what the dress code is, gladly you do not have to raid your entire closet to look for something extravagant, it is not a formal ball for you to bust out the suit or evening dress. Anything you find comfortable to wear, as long as it is within the definition of “appropriate” is good to go.

Keep in mind that the location of the conference geographically is 2000 feet above sea level, it does get chilly, we all know you love your hoodies, needless to say this is your chance to wear them without sweating profusely.

We get this alot, are shorts and flip flops okay? Sure it is! We are in the Philippines, it is our thing, though let me warn you about flip flops, with the foot traffic in the conference, your toes are sure to get stomped on.

Be Mindful of Announcements

We have been mentioning all the CHAOS during the conference, so we'd like you to be aware of any announcements made. Sometimes, mini-games and raffles are announced during presentations, and being alert will give you a chance to win some free swag. If you miss it, you'll definitely never have at least the opportunity to get it, so always be aware of the important ones!

Remember, This is a HACKER CON

Always remember that ROOTCON is a HACKER conference. We don't want to scare you, but imagine a room full of skilled cybersecurity practitioners; sounds a bit scary, huh? We can't guarantee what other attendees might do, so please handle yourself.

Here are some quick tips to add to your safety, rather than being sorry later!

- Don't use public wifi for sensitive transactions or logins
- Keep your cards within RFID-safe cases
- Keep your software updated (for both phones and laptops!)
- Keep your work devices off the public network
- Use reliable VPN services if needed to keep your browsing anonymous!

We want you to have a blast at the conference, but not at the cost of your privacy and security, so please keep these tips in mind and remember, being a little bit paranoid helps!

ROOTCON Doesn’t End at 5 PM

If you look at the schedule, the events typically start at 8 AM and end at 5 PM. However, this schedule only applies to the "formal" events that make ROOTCON a legitimate security conference. But hey, what makes a security conference complete? It does not sound like a security conference if there's no booze!

Talks may end at 5 PM, but the party starts afterward. Be aware of the after-con parties, which help you overcome the information overload you experienced during the day.

While talking about this, remember one of the MOST IMPORTANT events of ROOTCON. We can't put more emphasis on these all caps, but you should check out the infamous HACKER JEOPARDY. This event is scheduled at the official ROOTCON after-party on the evening of day 2. If you're also interested, complete your ROOTCON experience and join this game. Note that this event also awards a Black Badge to the winners!

Don’t Be a Douche

Needless to say, don't be an asshole! Everyone at the conference wants a good time, so please don't be annoying. Remember, there are a lot of security practitioners here. Who knows? You might meet your future boss or colleagues here, so don't ruin your career!

If you are really like this, security GOONS will be on your side, assisting you to the exit door, so beware!

Fuel Up

With all the chaos inside the conference, you will surely be tired and hungry. So, don't forget that the badge includes complimentary snacks and lunch! Be on the lookout.

Also, drink water and hydrate; a day at ROOTCON is very long. If you prefer another type of poison, get some booze (again) and have fun!

Lastly, to fully survive the experience of a hacking conference, have a taste of this wonderful HACK SAUCE! Ask someone to have one.


By following this survival guide, you'll have all the tools you need to hack ROOTCON like a pro, enjoy all the fun (and CHAOS) that comes with it, and maybe even leave with some new friends, epic stories, and a boatload of swags.

If you want to take away some more, don’t forget to go to the ROOTCON swag shop before going home