How to run a real-world attack on cloud and protect from it

September 27, 2024 (GMT +8)
Ballroom 1 & 2

Using the cloud is a norm now. Cloud security monitoring and response to incidents in the cloud is essential. Last year, there were notorious cloud security incidents with core IT infrastructure companies such as CircleCI and JumpCloud.

In this talk we show how such attacks can happen and how to defend from them. We set up a simulated environment closely resembling the real setup of modern tech companies in cloud. We show how to run an end-to-end attack. In parallel, we run detection tools and show how to gain visibility about this attack, identify a security event and conduct an analysis.

The attendees will take away principles of cloud security issues and knowledge of how to configure rules to detect attacks in the cloud, analysis of cloud logs, and fundamentals of the cloud.


Niko Akatyev As Vice President of Security, IT, and Compliance at Horangi, a Bitdefender company, Niko’s experience includes leading engineering and product development teams, and his current role is managing the internal IT, security, and compliance strategy and execution. One of Niko’s passions is mentoring young cybersecurity professionals—he has been a mentor for the past nine years for the Best of the Best (BoB) cybersecurity program in South Korea. Additionally, in 2022 he began mentoring students at Red Alpha in Singapore. He is a regular speaker and contributor in the international cybersecurity community, from Asia to the Caribbean. He actively participates in the Div0 community and is one of the founding members of the Global Cybersecurity Camp (GCC).

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