How to have visibility and security OF CICD ecosystem

September 27, 2024 (GMT +8)
Ballroom 1 & 2

In this talk, I will present how an organization can approach the visibility and thus security OF CICD ecosystem, some common attack areas - access controls, credentials hygiene, misconfiguration etc. & possible solutions. I will introduce CICDGuard - a graph based CICD ecosystem visualizer & security analyzer.

CICD platforms are an integral part of the overall software supply chain and it processes a lot of sensitive data, compromise of which can affect the entire organization. Security IN CICD is a well discussed topic, security OF CICD deserves the same attention.

One of the challenges with security OF CICD, like most areas of security, is the lack of visibility of what actually makes a CICD ecosystem. Security starts with being aware of what needs to be secure.

CICDGuard is a graph based CICD ecosystem visualizer and security analyzer, which
1) Represents entire CICD ecosystem in graph form, providing intuitive visibility and solving the awareness problem
2) Identifies common security flaws across supported technologies and provides industry best practices and guidelines for identified flaws
3) Technologies supported - GitHub, GitHub Action, Jenkins, JFrog, Spinnaker, Drone


Pramod Rana Pramod Rana is author of below open source projects:
1) Omniscient - LetsMapYourNetwork: a graph-based asset management framework
2) CICDGuard - Orchestrating visibility and security of CICD ecosystem
3) vPrioritizer - Art of Risk Prioritization: a risk prioritization framework

He has presented at BlackHat, Defcon, nullcon, OWASPGlobalAppSec, HackMiami, HackInParis and Insomnihack before. He is OWASP Pune chapter lead.

He is leading the application security team in Netskope with primary focus on integrating security controls in the development process and providing security-testing-as-a-service to engineering teams.

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