Cyber-Physical Convergence - Peril or Opportunity?

September 26, 2024 (GMT +8)
Ballroom 1 & 2

During the nascent years of the Internet, there was a well-intentioned naiveté that it was only going to be a force for good, and even if anything was to go awry, the consequences would be contained within the virtual realm. Of course, reality turned out to be very much on the contrary, with the massive proliferation in connectivity resulting in numerous instances of activities in cyberspace that culminated in physical, and unfortunately often negative, effects.

Staying true to the core theme of RootCon 18, this session will examine the “connected reality” that we have been living in for the last three decades, delving into key incidents and developments that originated in cyberspace but resulted in significant impact on the physical world. In doing so, the session strives to mainstream the awareness of this inherent convergence between the virtual and physical worlds. Additionally, we will look into the contemporary developments around artificial intelligence and machine learning, and hope to uncover what lies ahead for human civilisation.


Aaron Ng Aaron is a Senior Systems Engineer at CrowdStrike where he advises customers on their security needs and solutions. He is currently based in Dubai, and is responsible for the CrowdStrike business across the Middle East, Turkey, and Africa (META) region. Prior to his current stint, Aaron served as a Strategic Threat Advisor where he actively evangelised for the value and pertinence of Cyber Threat Intelligence to organisations across the public and private sectors in the Asia Pacific (APAC) and META regions. Aaron represented CrowdStrike Intelligence, speaking at various Security Conferences including BlackHat MEA, MENA ISC, GovWare, RootCon, AVAR, BSides SG, and SINCON.

Prior to joining the Cybersecurity industry, Aaron served 12 years of Active Duty in the Singapore Armed Forces as a Military Intelligence Officer. He served in multiple command appointments in classified Intelligence units, and garnered staff experience in the areas of strategic planning and policy development. In his penultimate tour of duty, Aaron was instrumental in developing the masterplan for the Digital and Intelligence Service (DIS), the military branch responsible for providing military intelligence to the armed forces, building up Singapore's digital defence capabilities, and protecting the psychological defence of its military personnel.

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