Apocalypse?: The Perils of Generative AI

September 26, 2024 (GMT +8)
Ballroom 1 & 2

The integration of generative AI by nation-state actors and eCrime groups is catalyzing a transformative shift in the theater of global cyber conflict. These sophisticated adversaries are harnessing generative AI to craft highly nuanced and disruptive operations, targeting critical infrastructures and pivotal systems underpinning national security and economic stability. By leveraging generative AI, malicious actors magnify the impact and sophistication of their strategies, moving beyond traditional cyber tactics to conduct orchestrated campaigns at unprecedented scale and speed. This strategic evolution in cyber warfare not only expands the arsenal of these actors but also escalates the stakes, reshaping the contours of international security dynamics.

The emerging convergence of cyber and physical threats through generative AI is reshaping the battlefield, allowing for a seamless integration of digital assaults with tangible real-world, physical consequences. This capability enables adversaries to craft multi-dimensional attacks manipulating both bits and atoms, blurring the boundaries between online threats and physical vulnerabilities. As generative AI continues to refine the orchestration of complex scenarios involving physical systems, it elevates the strategic sophistication of these actors, underscoring a pressing need for a paradigm shift in how nations conceptualize and counteract the evolving spectrum of global threats. This convergence of cyber prowess with physical world implications heralds a new era in warfare, where the battleground is everywhere and the lines between cyber and kinetic are indistinguishably intertwined.


Scott Jarkoff Scott Jarkoff is the Co-Founder of Praeryx, a new startup currently developing some insanely deep services and technology. Prior to that Scott Jarkoff was the Director, Intelligence Strategy, APJ & META, at CrowdStrike, where he directed the Asia-Pacific & Japan, and Middle East threat intelligence business. He advised and guided customers on operationalizing and integrating threat intelligence within a holistic intelligence-led security strategy.

Scott's creative genius does not stop at cyber security. He is also the visionary Co-Founder and mastermind behind deviantART, the largest and most vibrant online art community in the world. Under his guidance, deviantART blossomed into a bustling hub where millions of artists and art enthusiasts connect, share, and thrive in a kaleidoscope of creativity. Scott's profound impact on the art world through deviantART mirrors his innovative spirit in tech, making him a true renaissance man in both realms.

Scott is based in Tokyo where he masterminds all facets of multiple opeartions. He has twenty-five years cyber security and intelligence experience, between his time with the US Department of Defense, and the private sector.

Prior to joining CrowdStrike, Scott worked at McAfee in Tokyo, Japan as a Senior Security Advisor focusing on evangelizing US DoD-centric cyber security solutions, with a strong emphasis on the Japanese government and critical infrastructure sectors. He also directed and led the introduction of McAfee threat intelligence services in the Japanese market.

Before joining McAfee, Scott worked for the US government for just under twenty-five years, the most recent as the Chief of Cyber Security at United States Forces Japan. At USFJ he was responsible for overseeing DoD cyber security strategy and cyber situational awareness for the U.S. military components in Japan. Scott leveraged DoD intelligence capabilities to develop U.S. and Japan cross-government cyber security strategy, managing the USFJ cyber security program, and commanding the USFJ security incident response team.

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