Enhancing Your Red Team Arsenal: Optimizing Havoc C2

September 27, 2024 (GMT +8)
Camia Hall (Village Tracks)
      Red Team Village

In the evolving landscape of offensive security, staying ahead requires not just the right tools, but an in-depth understanding of how to wield them effectively. "Enhancing Your Red Team Arsenal: Optimizing Havoc C2" dives into the intricacies of using Havoc C2, a powerful command-and-control framework, to elevate your red team operations.

This talk will guide attendees through the process of customizing Havoc C2 to suit specific operational needs. Attendees will gain insights into optimizing Havoc’s C2 capabilities by exploring advanced customization techniques from fine-tuning profiles to creating custom modules and integrating them seamlessly into your red team operations.

Whether you're a seasoned red teamer looking to refine your tradecraft or a newcomer eager to enhance your toolkit, this session will equip you with practical insights and actionable techniques to fortify your offensive strategies.


Bianca Gadiana Bianca Gadiana is an Offensive Security Team Lead at a prominent American business data center and cloud computing security company, with 4 years of hands-on experience in cybersecurity. Throughout her career, Bianca has honed her skills in vulnerability assessment and exploitation techniques. She is also dedicated to giving back to the cybersecurity community, regularly delivering talks at universities to inspire and mentor the next generation of professionals. Bianca holds several certifications, including CRTP, eWPT, and eJPT.

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